Hollow core slab is a precast prestressed element which is totally used for many purposes such as homes and commercial buildings.
- Flexible design
- Rapid construction
- Light weight structures
- Longer span
- No formwork is needed
- Sound and heat proof due to longitudinal holes.
The concrete hollow core slabs have about four and six longitudinal cores, the main reason of the cores is decreasing the weight, and material within the floor, also increase maximal strength. To increase more strength, the slabs are reinforced with 12mm diameter steel strand, equipped longitudinally.
Production method:
The prestressed hollow core slabs are supplied on production beds around 100m length The active and inactive abutments are placed at the end of each production bed, these abutments have the ability to support huge forces transmitted by the prestressed PC-wire (or PC-Strand). The surface of the production beds should be made of steel or concrete. The production beds have rail way for the production machines. You can use extruder or slipformer machine to produce hollow core slabs.